Modernizing Training Videos

Old to new: Reimagine Outdated Training Videos

Did your organization spend a lot of money investing in training content that just doesn’t resonate with your learners anymore? Are the basic learning objectives effective, but the content could use a refresh?

Instead of reinventing the wheel, why don’t you upcycle what you already have? Sometimes it just takes some creative thinking and fresh sets of eyes to re-use what already exists.

With some creative writing, simple but effective video production, video editing and some music, reimagine what’s already working but could use a refresh!

Long to Short: Reformat to Microlearning

Similar to upcycling, perhaps you have long-form talking head videos or footage from events or conferences, other training videos that need to be parsed down, so they are more consumable by your learning audience?
Define your learning objectives, then reimagine the content to serve your learners better so that they not only enjoy what they are watching, but also learn from the content and apply what they learn.

Originals: Instructional Design and Video Production

PowerPoint slides, boring lectures and talking heads are out. Microlearning, short-form video, relatable characters and their stories, and AI are IN!

Leadership Development is one of the hottest topics in training and L&D, and organizations who are developing and deploying LD programs are leaders. Why? Because successful company cultures promote the concept of “leading from all levels.”

Whether it is leadership development or human centered skills that will help your organization thrive, the content you choose must be engaging so that the learning lasts!

Ready to transform your L&D experience?

Elevate your team's learning with cutting-edge video solutions that engage and inspire. Don't let outdated methods hold you back—upgrade your training videos today and see the difference innovation can make.
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